Rose quartz crystal bottle, naturally charge your water.
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Healing Properties of Rose Quartz
Spiritual: Rose Quartz is an incredibly powerful stone which evokes unconditional love and compassion. When held during prayer or meditation Rose Quartz dissolves boundaries, allowing us to more fully embrace divine union and Nirvana. Rose Quartz is a particularly suitable stone for anyone who is devoted to a heart-centered spiritual master, such as Jesus Christ, Kwan Yin, or Amma. Rose Quartz is attuned to the Heart Chakra and linked to the astrological signs of Taurus, Libra. It is connected to the element of Water and vibrates to the number 7.
Emotional: Rose Quartz is the quintessential stone for all things related to love – including self love, romantic love, family and platonic love, as well as community and global love. Rose Quartz has an incredibly soothing effect on the emotions. From reducing daily worry to healing major emotional trauma, Rose Quartz is an incredibly versatile healing stone. Rose Quartz encourages us to GIVE love joyfully and generously and to RECEIVE love with grace and delight.
Mental: Rose Quartz is a stone for forgiveness and compassion. It can help us to intellectually understand where another person is coming from and why a situation has occurred. With this understanding, we can then truly accept “what is” and know what to do next. Rose Quartz shows us that our Highest Good is always served by acting out of real love, which may manifest as self love or as love for another. Ultimately, Rose Quartz teaches us to always always always choose the path of real love.
Physical: Rose Quartz is said to be a stabilizing and strengthening stone for the physical heart. It is also commonly used to treat sexual disorders, especially those with a psychosomatic origin. Rose Quartz may also be used to treat a variety of illnesses in infants and small children.